About Me

Hi! I’m Bev. I’m a mommy of 2 and a wife of 1. I was born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens, but Philly has been my home for over 15 years. My career in real estate spans over 10 years and I’ve been able to provide for my family and be with my children because of it. I like to eat, and being somewhat active helps me combat my inner fat kid. I’m also Filipino. That being said, I didn’t exactly come from a family that enjoyed doing hikes and bike rides. Much of the family time I spent was centered around food.

My dad was a wanderluster before it became an “it” word or a status to become. I look back at our photos and wonder to myself, how did my parents find the time to constantly road trip? Didn’t they work? Or maybe they didn’t from time to time. I really don’t know since I was so young. We didn’t really have lots of money, but my dad definitely provided. I do remember having lots of road trips. I’m lucky if my family can get in 1 long road trip (over 4 hours) a year. My dad took us camping and road tripping. My childhood is richer because of him and I’m forever grateful to him!

I started this blog so that I could have easy access to all the information I gather when doing anything business or family related- pictures, ideas, lists, etc. I then realized that this info could be valuable to others, so my purpose now is to share this information and create a positive community of people who are interested in participating in the growth of themselves and others. Some topics that I’ll cover include real estate, parenting, travel, healthy recipes and personal development.

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the ride!


How ya like them apples?