12 Week Year

For the most part, people see January as a time for “new beginnings.” I’m not great at this, but I try to reflect and grow on a somewhat regular basis. I’ve been reading this book, 12 Week Year, introduced to me by a good friend who also happens to be an ambitious mom. As much as I want to do and have accomplished, I always want to do more. Not that I’m not happy. I easily get inspired and it’s just my nature. I then get overwhelmed, feeling that I’ve reached my capacity. Which isn’t possible. I haven’t reached my capacity. I set my own limits and make choices about how my time is spent. Planning, executing, living with intention, getting uncomfortable and being around people that inspire me will always push me beyond the “capacity” I’ve created for myself.

The premise with the 12 Week Year is that when we set our goals at the beginning of the year, the end of the year is quite distant and we tend to be laxed in accomplishing our goals the majority of the year. Then when November/December hit, we have an “oh sh**” moment and haul ass! The idea behind the 12 Week Year is that we shift our minds so that we plan our time and regularly measure our activities so that we accomplish what we want at the end of 12 weeks.

The main takeaways for me that I’ve done and wanted to share:
– Wrote down my long term vision and set short term goals for the next 12 weeks that align with that.
– Wrote down the tactics and frequency in which I need to implement those tactics in order to achieve my goals
– Organized a WAM Weekly Accountability Meeting. Being a part of a group of people that want you to succeed and vice versa.
– Blocked/planned out my time for the next 3 months to ensure the tactics related to my goals are accomplished regularly.

There are also templates available to help get your plan on paper. I highly recommend it.
Pick it up, share your key takeaways and your successes! Can’t wait to hear what 2017 has in store for us!

#12weekyear #knowledgeispower #personaldevelopment #pd #grow #mindset #choices

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